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Imouzzer Des Ida Outanane


Imouzzer des Ida Outanane is a small village located about sixty kilometres from Agadir going north. 
This village is mainly inhabited by Berbers (ethnic Moroccans), called the Ida Outanane, hence the name of the village. The departure point of this excursion is made along the road P8 towards Essaouira for a little more than ten kilometres. Then follow the CT 7002 road, a winding road that calls for caution.
However, visitors will be able to stop along the roads to admire the scenery (palm trees and oases) and maybe even meet some iguana sellers! 
The Tifrit valley is one of the most beautiful Moroccan valleys, often described as Paradise Valley.
The village of Imouzzer is by a palm grove, where tourists can stroll and meet Moroccan workers. 
For lovers of regional products, the souk is held on Thursdays and transforms the village into a dynamic place full of donkeys (the local urban transport)! 
Three kilometres away, the valley of Oued Tinkert offers magnificent waterfalls but beware, they only flow in winter after the rains.
No need for disappointment as visitors can complete the trip with a visit to the caves of Wintimdouine, a real speleological nest.
NB: There is a honey festival which takes place in August and which brings together producers and enthusiasts of this commodity produced in the region.

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